Project description:
From its HEALTH and KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER PROGRAM, the Autism Galicia Federation collaborates with SERGAS in its training plan in health care. This plan is part of its Program to Improve Health Care for Refugees and consists of carrying out complementary activities to such assistance with the aim of facilitating access to care and knowledge of the health system.
This collaboration is also aligned with the work carried out by the Autism Galicia Federation to support the understanding of health processes and make them as clear and simple as possible. The use of visual supports such as images and pictograms of ARASAAC aims to enable people to face a novel or stressful situation such as an electroencephalogram (EEG) test or a dental consultation. For this, it is essential to know in advance the instruments that health professionals will use, how the intervention will be developed and to know what to do. All this provides some control, reduces stress and generates security.
So far the collaboration of the Autism Federation Galicia has been expressed in the following videos that are available to all patients through the É Saúde platform and also on screens of health centers and hospitals of the SERGAS network. In them, in a narrated and subtitled way with texts in easy reading and translated into pictograms, the instruments that the health professionals will use are explained, how the intervention will be developed and what the patient has to do.
Links of interest:
José Manuel Marcos
David Romero
Sara Cachán
Juan Daniel Burró
Aragonese Center of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ARASAAC) Consultants